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The inspiration for the “UnDIRECTED?” project is rethinking the relationship and connection between humans and virtual structures. Understanding non-linear stories as a structure that can interact
and connect our biometric recognition?
《UnDIRECTED? 》關於重新思考人類、虛擬空間與故事結構之間的關係和聯繫。因此,如何在此背景下分析一個可互動的、可連接人類生物反饋的非線性故事結構?
CHAN Long Fung 陳朗丰
Lazarus Chan is a new media artist who explores human experience, including life & death, consciousness and time. He specializes in multifaceted mediums, such as soundscape, electronics, data visualization and generative art.
During 2019 - 2020, he worked as a full-time Interactive Visualist & Soundscape Designer; his commercial work has toured in multiple cities. In 2021, Lazarus curated his first solo exhibition, “Auto.Mob”, in Hong Kong Art Centre The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School and reported by various media, including Stand News, HK Feature and Sing Tao Daily etc. During the same year, he was a Research Assistant in The Education University of Hong Kong, Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, further as the tutor of a non-governmental organization(iLOrk). Furthermore, Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong(CMHK)decided Lazarus as the iii Artist Exchange Program’s selected artist to create new artwork at iii (instrument inventors initiative)in The Hague. Lazarus also received invitations from several art institutions for commission work and exhibitions, including Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Arts, Hong Kong Art Development Council AAiSS(The Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme) and Hong Kong Art Festival.
於2019-2020期間,擔任全職互動影像藝術家及音景設計師,其商業作品曾於多個城市巡展。2021年,於香港藝術中心香港藝術學院藝廊舉辦首個個人展覽《自源作 Auto.Mob》,期間受到多間媒體報導及關注,包括立場新聞、誌及星島日報等。同年,於香港教育大學文化與創意藝術學系擔任研究助理,同時作為非牟利團體(iLOrk)導師。並為現在音樂(CMHK)「聲音傳輸 - iii藝術家交流計劃」獲選藝術家到海牙的 iii(instrument inventors initiative)創作新作品。其後亦受多個機構邀請委托創作及舉辦展覽,包括大館當代美術館、香港藝術發展局校園藝術大使計劃及香港藝術節。
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