Project Senses: touch
Mixed Media
Dimensions variable
Project Senses: Touch is the exhibition work for the graduation show. It discusses the relationship between Sensory experience (with a focus on the sense of touch) and Identity through a mixed media exploration. Moving images, sounds, charcoal drawings and sculptures work together within a space to provide audiences with an immersive experience in search of the meaning of being a human. The artwork also aims to show how fragile, simple yet crucial our senses are. When the sensory is being manipulated, we are vulnerable to invasive information. The artist tries to remind us to stay true to our feelings in moments.
Project Senses : Touch 為是次展出的藝術作品,這個藝術品嘗試探討感官(觸覺)和身份辨認間關係,以多媒的表現手法來探索藝術的展示可能性, 。這創作為了尋找人的認知力,同時提醒觀者感官是如此重要但脆弱。作品提醒大家活在當下,忠於自已每刻的感受。
FUNG Tsz Hei 馮梓熙
Simon Tsz Hei Fung is a new artist. He works as a graphic designer after obtaining the BA in Visual Studies, he designs for various local institutions. He specialises in oil painting and charcoal drawing, his early artworks are mainly focused on those. By joining the MA programme in Visual Arts, he explores the possibilities in mixed-media and space and gives himself emancipation of the 2D world. And now he focuses on sensory experience with the notion of identity.
馮梓熙, 本科畢業後,成為職埸上的平面設計師,為不同大專院校及香港電台提供各種視像創作。藝術層面上,他擅長於油畫以及碳筆畫的創作,早期作品多數建基於此。隨後, 在研究生課程中開始探索多媒體及空間的可能性,脫離一貫的平面作風,主力究感官認知的可能性。