Interwoven voices
Cotton fabric, polyester fabric, thread
Dimensions variable
The displayed work interwoven voices questions preservation of local cultural heritage in Hong Kong under overriding forces of real estate development. It reflects vernacular practices and knowledge production modes within the complex urban social fabric. The artwork is asking for the wellbeing and the survival of organic local ecologies, namely the Pang Jai fabric market in Sham Shui Po — social and architectonic construct of an in-between, on one side the physical government-controlled environment and on the other, the wished for and needed cultural and behavioural reality. Each piece of textile comes from an individual seller of the market, together with shared stories. Each of those voices weaving, braiding and
composing the Pang Jai ecologies.
這次展出的作品是透過交織的聲音,質疑房地產發展和香港本地文化遺產的保存。 作品反映了複雜的城市社會結構中的鄉土實踐和知識生產模式。 這件藝術品更是探索當地有機生態的福祉和生存,即深水埗的棚仔面料市場,一種介於社會和建築結構,但一方面是政府所管理的物理環境。每件紡織品都來自市場上不同的賣家,當中布料包含了共同和有趣的故事。每一戶聲音交織着,合奏出棚仔這個和而不同的社區生態。
Alexandre Gaeng
Alexandre Gaeng (*1985, born in Lausanne, Switzerland) follows the MA Transdisciplinary Studies at Zurich University of the Arts and the MA Visual arts at Baptist University in Hong Kong in parallel. Interested in practices within and beyond sonic matter and visual arts, their discursive and applied focus is on collaborative methodologies and transdisciplinary approaches nurturing social fabric and communities, exploring boundaries between art and social practices. Cross-disciplinary artist and independent curator, they explore frictions and expectations of audiences, developing cultural events with immersive overarching dramaturgy.
Alexandre Gaeng, 1985年出生於瑞士,洛桑市。 目前正在同時進行蘇黎世大學跨學科研究以及香港浸會大學視覺藝術的學習。Alexandre一直以來也行走在聲音及視覺藝術的土壤上,他用自身所備的跨學科知識賦予了多元合作更多的可能性,在此過程中也不斷探索藝術與社會實踐所交織的邊界。作為跨學科藝術家和獨立策展人, Alexandre喜歡去探索觀眾的期望並且不斷挑戰其帶來的變化,同時也常沈浸在多元文化發展的魅力中。