“What makes something special”
Collected dried leaves, insects, Wood, TV, CCT
Dimensions variable
Does the same thing bring out different narratives in different places? If art leaves the venue outside the spotlight, will the setting of the same mode change the artistic conception and intention of the same artist? As an artist, it still makes sense that this is a futile outcome or worthwhile act. I am not challenging the functional concept given by the art venue. Still, I think it is more likely to lead the audience to find a conceptual means of understanding the world beyond the boundaries brought by contemporary art. Interestingly, the interior of this work is in a static state, insects and microor- ganisms are accelerating the decomposition of dead leaves, and there is expected to be another scene after the exhibition. It is believed that the audience will judge the difference between the leaves piled up indoors and the group of leaves observed by outdoor monitoring. There is no doubt that everything will eventually return to its natural state.
同一件事會在不同的地方引出不同的敘述嗎? 如果藝術離開了聚光燈外的場地,同樣模式的設置是否會改變同一位藝術家的意 境和意圖? 作為一名藝術家,這是一個徒勞的結果或值得的行為仍然是有道理 的。 我不是在挑戰藝術場地所賦予的功能概念。 儘管如此,我認為它更有可能引導 觀眾找到一種超越當代藝術所帶來的界限來理解世界的概念性手段。 有趣的是,這件作品的內部處於靜止狀態,昆蟲和微生物正在加速枯葉的分解, 預計展覽後還會有另一番景象。 相信觀眾會判斷室內堆積的樹葉與室外監測觀 察到的樹葉群的區別。 毫無疑問,一切最終都會回歸自然狀態。
LAI Ho Him 賴浩謙
賴浩謙出生於香港。 薩米在切爾西藝術學院學習並獲得了榮譽文學學士學位。 現為香港浸會大學視覺藝術碩士學生,獲教資會研究生課程獎學金。Sammy Lai 的作品涵蓋了廣泛的主題、觀點和材料。 雕塑、攝影、繪畫、童年回憶和理論是使用的一些媒介。 在眾多的研究路線中,他的作品不斷地觀察,產生多樣而客觀的發現。 Sammy一直對環境觀察、意義、藝術應用、童年回憶以及第三空間的概念著迷。 這些都貫穿了他之前的作品,也是他在藝術實踐中不斷探索的東西。
Sammy Lai was born in Hong Kong and has lived in the UK and Australia since 2012. In 2018, he graduated with merit from the foundation course of Central Saint Martins, UAL. From 2018 to 2021, Sammy studied at Chelsea College of Art and received a Bachelor of Arts with Honours. He is currently a Master of Visual Art student at Hong Kong Baptist University, where he has been awarded UGC’s scholarship for postgraduate courses. Sammy Lai's work encompasses a wide range of topics, views, and materials. Sculpture, photography, painting, childhood recollections, and theories are some of the mediums used. In numerous study lines, his works continue to observe, produce diverse and objective findings. Sammy has always been fascinated by environmental observation, meaning, artistic application, childhood recollections, and the concept of the third space. These have flowed through his previous works and are something he continues to explore in his artistic practice.