Video, Wool, Matches, Acrylic board
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The fibers of wool are tightly entangled with each other. From a fluffy state after countless piercings, it becomes firm and elastic. the lit match turned to ashes. Letting the flames stay in this world longer, at any cost, let the flames stay and hurt. We can’t let the fire stay forever; it belongs to nature. At least it accompanies me through a period in my life and leaves traces of its passing in my hands.
羊毛的纖維互相緊密糾纏,從蓬鬆的狀態無數次的穿刺慢慢變得強韌 而有彈性,為了保護自己最珍貴的東西,給予溫暖和治癒,火漸漸地變成一點星火最後消失的無影無蹤,祈求讓火苗在世上逗留多一秒,不惜灼傷自己。我們無法讓火永遠停留,它是屬於自然的產物,至少那一刻它陪伴我度過,在手中留下了它走過的痕跡。
LEE Sinki 李善奇
Lee Sin Ki, a graduate of the Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2021, tends to be calm and introverted. She enjoys observing the world around her and takes the ubiquitous emotions of people as the inspiration for her drawing practice. Sinki is good at using different materials to create, her works mainly revolve around her own life, feelings, and stories. She hopes to share her insights into “ordinary” life. with a broader audience.