Force majeure- Escalator
不可抗力- 向日葵
Mixed Media
Dimensions variable
Human society has artificial force majeure. Order, normality, and law, hidden in nature, are force majeure. While human beings are building civilisation, manufacturing machines, and nurturing culture, they seem to be inseparable from specific regulations and The control of instructions, the gradual erosion of repetitive living habits, the loss of thinking, and the loss of autonomy, and this work attempts to add strategies of destruction and reconstruction, challenging the normality it should be.
跌序,常態,規律,蘊藏於自然之中, 是不可抗力的一種,人類的社會存在 著人為的不可抗力, 人類在建立文明, 製造機器,孕育文化的同時,但 似乎都離不開某些規定與指令的制抓,重複性的生活習慣漸漸被侵蝕, 失去思考,失去自主, 作品試圖添加破壞並且重造的策略,挑戰應有的 常態。
MAN Ho Cheung 文浩祥
MAN Ho Cheung, Simon, a fresh graduate of HKBU’s Visual Arts program, His works are mainly based on multimedia, combined with projection and various installations and objects. Express daily insights and thoughts. A person who likes to observe things in his daily life and thinks a lot about their connections between each other. He believes that in order to present an intangible meaning in a design project, it is better to take characteristics from a tangible object to explain the idea, so people can reach out to his message immediately.
The symbolic meaning of the object is not direct or hidden. He believes that it can implicitly express his understanding and views of things, allowing viewers to contemplate and guess their intentions. It is playable and highly reflective. The viewers can consider more about the
relationship between oneself and the work.
文浩祥,香港浸會大學視覺藝術專業2021年畢業生,他的作品主要以多媒體為主,結合投影以及各種裝置,實物。表達對日常嘅探知和想法。他好於觀察日常生活中的事物,並思考彼此之間的關係,包括他的自身與社會。 他認為,為了在作品表現無形的含義,最好從有形的物件中取其特徵。物件的象徵意味是間直接的,同時具隱藏性。含蓄地表達自己對事物的理解和看法,能夠讓觀賞者沉思並揣測自己的意圖,十分有趣而具反思的空間,並讓人思考自身與作品的關係。