“The Listless Dream”
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The series “The Listless Dream”, named after a song by Japanese psychedelic rock band Yura Teikoku, is a collection of snapshot imageries I took in Hong Kong. This series consists of three chapters: “The Drudgery Train”, “The Most Beautiful Woman in Town”, and “The Listless Dream”. I use photography to awaken the viewer’s desire and reveal a duo-reality. Imageries from reality can drive viewers to think about and beyond reality, and the desire to live is necessarily about the presence. Today, the reality we live in is degenerating, and photography is a confrontation because of its ability to seize reality. Grabbing the fragments of reality with photography is like digging up the ruins of earth, building an entire territory with fleeting world illusions. This is the desire to live in the chaotic vortex. A slide-show video projection is adopted in the spatial presentation to bring an immersive viewing experience to the audience. The fragmented photographic reality is mixed and circulated in the space that forms a matrix of dreams.
“The Listless Dream”這個系列的名字來自日本迷幻搖滾樂隊 Yura Teikoku的 一首歌,是我在香港拍攝的一部分快照的合集。這一系列由“The Drudgery Train”,“The Most Beautiful Woman in Town”,以及“The Listless Dram” 三個章節構成。我想通過照片去喚醒人們的慾望、展現真實和富有生命力的現實 。畢竟,來自現實的攝影是可以讓他者產生對現實的願想的,而生的慾望是必然 關於現實的。如今,我們身處的現實正在墮落,而攝影正因擁有攫取現實的能力 而成為了一種對抗。用攝影攫取現實的碎片,如同刨土壘墟,用稍縱即逝的世界 幻影來建立一塊真實的領土。這是混沌漩渦裡的生之欲。 在布展上採用了投影的形式,以期用環繞的空間投影為觀眾帶來沉浸式的觀看體 驗。現實的碎片在投射中被組合與流轉,在經由投射所營造的空間裡,本來彼此 獨立的世界訊息由此組成夢的矩陣。
NIE Jian 聶健
A Photographer, from Shenzhen, Guangdong.
A year or two ago, I was immersed in wandering on the streets, pressing the shutter button frantically without thinking. My desire for photography seemed not to record what I saw, but to keep walking with a camera and keep pressing the shutter button. The behaviour is more of a release. Photographs are more of a proof, because it's always when I reviewed the photos I've taken that I realise that those images have ever appeared. When I look back at those strong, emotional photos I have made, I realise that the camera makes me to see the illusory.