World in bird’s eyes: Silent Gaze
鳥看世界 : 沉默的凝視
Dimensions variable
This work is based on an assumption: on a plain day, all the human beings in the world suddenly disappeared. Time never stops, and you will observe this unfamiliar world through time and space through the eyes of different birds. One minute, three days, one week, one month.
這件作品建立在一個假想之上:某個平平無奇的一日,世界上所有的 人類都突然消失了。 一分鐘,三天,一星期,一個月......時間從不停 下脚步,而您將通過不同的鳥類的眼睛,穿過時間與空間觀察這個不 再熟悉的世界。
SHEN Ziyi 沈子怡
Shen Ziyi was born and raised in Shenzhen, China. This open and inclusive coastal city makes her try to treat art from a more inclusive perspective. She devotes herself to illustration and media art, and hopes to integrate the author's thinking about current time, space and emotion into her painting.
Shen Ziyi在中國深圳出生並長大。 這個開放包容的沿海城市讓她嘗試以更包容的視角對待藝術。 她致力於插畫和媒體藝術,並希望在繪畫中融入作者對當下時間、空間和情緒的思考。