Sing Hallelujah to the Lord
Leather, wine, nail, wood, candle
Dimensions variable
The site-specific installation “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord” used leather as the medium and the personal experience of Christian as a starting point to re-examine our beliefs and values. Tong Ka Man molded leather into the shape of communion cup to symbolize the purity of the lily of the valley. They were all nailed to the wood and stained with red wine like blood. The pain of the wounds was so real. In this air-raid shelter built during the Battle of Hong Kong in 1941, a mural of the crucifixion remains. Between the chaotic and dangerous reality and the emotions of grief and fear, the hymn “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord” was sung with one voice to make Christ a refuge for people. Even if the road is rough, as long as we keep the faith, we will never be alone. The darkest hour is that before the dawn. May Christ lead the way until the end of the night, and we will see the dawn.
場域特定裝置《Sing Hallelujah to the Lord》以皮革作為媒介和基督 徒的個人經驗作為起點,重新檢視我們的信念和價值。唐嘉敏以聖餐 酒杯把皮革倒模製作成象徵着純潔的鈴蘭。他們被釘在木頭上,染上 如血的紅酒,傷口的痛楚如此真實。在這所1941年香港保衞戰期間建 成的防空洞裡,尚留下當年的十字架壁畫。於混亂危險的現實和傷痛 恐懼的內心之間,同聲唱頌詩歌《Sing Hallelujah to the Lord》,讓 基督成為人們的避難所。縱使路是崎嶇不平,只要堅持信念,我們總 不至孤單。但願基督一直引領,走到黑夜盡頭終會看到黎明。
TONG Ka Man 唐嘉敏
Karmen Tong is a leather designer and artist. After obtaining a Bachelor's degree, she specialised in leather art and established her brand Ninox Leathercraft in 2014, in order to explore the various aspects of leather materials in design and art practice. Her artworks focus on the relationship between individuals and society, nature and spirituality, reflecting on herself in various artistic forms and exploring the possibilities between traditional leather craftsmanship and everyday life. She specialises in a minimalist style creation that showcases the aesthetics and details of the material, while promoting leather craftsmanship to the public through participation in markets and workshops.
唐嘉敏,皮藝設計師及藝術家。她在本科畢業後注專於皮藝創作,並於2014年創立品牌Ninox Leathercraft,藉此發掘皮革物料在設計及藝術創作的多個面向。她的作品題材圍繞個人與社會、大自然及靈性的關係,以各種藝術形式反思自身,探索傳統皮革工藝與日常生活之間的可能性。她擅長以極簡風格創作,展現物料美感與細節,同時透過參與市集及舉辦不同類型的工作坊,向大眾推廣及宣揚皮革工藝。