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“ What’s the difference between you and me”
Silk, acrylic
Dimensions variable
《 What’s the difference between you and me》
Is the behaviour of sex workers moral? One is a pop singer who sells her voice and appearance for fame and money. Another is a single mother who sells her genitals for money to support her son — what’s the difference between them? Survival is a problem that each of us faces. Before discussing whether sex workers’ behaviour is moral or not, we need to ask ourselves: “Whose moral standard are we using to define whose life?” You need to survive, and she needs to survive, too.
妓女的行為道德嗎?一位出賣自己歌喉和外貌獲得名氣和金錢的流行 歌手,和一位出賣自己性器官獲得金錢來扶養兒子的單親媽媽。他們 有什麼不同?生存,是每一個人類都會面對的問題。在討論妓女的行 為是否道德之前,我們需要問自己:「我在用誰的道德標準,定義誰 的生活?」你活著,她也需要活著。
WANG Jinshu 王津姝
Jinshu Wang is passionate about using a variety of mediums into her work in order to portray her thoughts and ideas about everything and everyone between heaven and earth.
Her works are primarily concerned with conveying the underlying spiritual force of things, and secondly with considering the living circumstances and actual psychology of current human beings via the lens of things. Furthermore, it provides people with an experience that transcends their daily perceptions through the resonance of personal experience and universal principles.
Middle School affiliated to Central Academy of Fine Arts, Mainland China
Bachelor of Fine Art, School of Visual Arts, New York
Master of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Jinshu Wang熱衷於使用諸多媒介完成作品,以傳達自身對天地之間,人、事、物三者的思索。她的藝術作品注重表達事件本身內在的精神力量,繼而由對事物的感知進一步注重思考當代人類生存處境和現實心理,通過個體經驗與普世價值的關照產生共鳴,給人一種突破日常經驗感知的體驗。
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