Unknow but familiar
wood, silicone, plasticine, glue, plastic film TPU, lamps
Dimensions variable
You are wondering between fear and anticipation. Déjà vu, things that make you feel like you have met them before. It might be things you want to hug but are afraid of. Do you feel the same way I do after meeting the unknown? For the most part, today’s life is a replay of yesterday’s. Some people are satisfied with their lives since they are familiar with everything, while others find it monotonous. Boring people think it is discovery, while contented people think it is punishment when life is unexpected, off track, and unpredictable. Are you fascinated, terrified, or anxious about the unknown? Unknown worries, unknown expectations. Touching it, the answers can be found in your feelings.
感覺熟悉又陌生,似曾相識。想去擁抱但又惶恐不安,在焦慮與期盼 中徘徊。在結果未明之前,你是否與我一樣。 對於大多數人來說,今天的生活是昨天的重復。生活在熟悉的一切里 ,有人滿足,有人乏味。當生活出現意想不到,脫離軌道,捉摸不定 時,乏味的人覺得那是探索,滿足的人覺得那是懲罰。未知的期待, 未知的恐懼。正在觸摸「它」的你,是好奇,恐懼還是無法知曉的焦 慮?答案在於你的感受之間。
XU Linxi 徐琳茜
Lindsay was born in China and moved to Edinburgh at the age of eighteen to pursue her undergraduate studies. After obtaining a master’s degree in Exeter, she then worked in investment banking for five years. However, she found her connection to nature, life, and herself was steadily eroded by the high-speed and hectic working environment. Arts became the answer to her riddle, and she decided to calm down and start enjoying life. Lindsay had no prior professional experience in the arts before enrolling at Hong Kong Baptist University. Therefore, she has loved experimenting with various art forms, including sculpture, installation, performance art, experimental video, and animation. Clearly influenced by her personal experience, Lindsay’s works are more like a communication between herself and life.
Lindsay出生於中國,高中畢業後去愛丁堡留學。在英國完成碩士學業后,她便就職於投資銀行並工作了五年。然而繁忙並且快節奏的工作,讓她察覺到自己漸漸地跟自然,生命失去了某種聯繫。 冥冥中,藝術説明她找到了答案,她決定慢下來,去享受生活。在進入浸會大學攻讀藝術碩士之前,Lindsay並沒有受過任何專業的藝術訓練。也正因為如此,她在藝術中不斷探索,嘗試各種新的領域,她目前主要的興趣包括雕塑、裝置、行為藝術、實驗電影和動畫。因為受到個人經歷的影響,Lindsay的作品很多時候更像是自己跟生活的一場對話。