Glass, wood, concrete, sound
84cm x 23.5cm x 199cm
We always encounter the former self and others through relative loneliness. The changing perspective not only makes the space more transparent, but also blurs the vision. Sound and light travel among different space-time, they twist memories but never leaves a single trace.
This is an inevitable encountering with the self.
ZHOU Yitian 周倚天
Trista Zhou was born and raised in China until she was eighteen, then she moved to the United States, living and studying for the next seven years. This mixed-cultural experience has influenced her value structure differently from where she was originally from. The time she spent as an undergrad at California College of The Arts (CCA) has become a treasure encountering, which also built a strong base for her art practice.
周倚天 出生並成長在中國,直到十八歲時赴美留學。在此後留美的七年裏,受著多元文化的熏陶和影響,其價值觀的構建方式也在不斷成長及轉變。通過自身的努力與一絲幸運,她開始在加州藝術學院(CCA)學習,並順利畢業拿到玻璃藝術本科的學位(BFA degree),相比那張證書而言,更珍貴的是那些經歷,因為它們為之後的創作打下了基礎。